Roof Vents in the Greenhouse
Air circulation is critical for all plants and flowers. Air circulation in the greenhouse protects your plants from developing mold problems. An important greenhouse feature is to identify how air will be circulated without you “babysitting” the greenhouse.
By far, the best method of creating air circulation is to ensure there are roof vents built into the greenhouse roof. Ideally, you will want solar powered roof vents and not manual roof vents. Solar powered roof vents react to the inside temperature of the greenhouse. When the temperature inside the greenhouses reaches about 62 degrees F, the greenhouse vents will begin to open. They will continue to open wider as the air temperature increases throughout the day. As night approaches and the temperature drops, the vents will begin to close.
Often, solar powered roof vents can also be operated manually by disabling them. This is wise in the winter months so that your roof vents are not opening should you get a nice sunny day. You will want to retain that heat for the night time temperatures.
Side vents can also be added to a greenhouse for extra ventilation. Look for greenhouses with doors that offer a screened partition. Louvered windows may be another option to consider.
In many cases, you will also require an exhaust fan system. This fan system will remove warm air from the greenhouse as it rises and draws in cooler air that is closer to the ground. In addition, you can use a small rotating fan to keep air circulating.
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