Make Money With Your Greenhouse
How to Make Money with Your Greenhouse
Did you know that some of the largest commercial greenhouses actually started as small hobby greenhouses that produced food for their families? The love of gardening and with the proper facility, anyone can start a small business and earn extra money.
With the downturn in the economy and with the resurgence of the “back to the land philosophy”, growing our own food seems to be the popular option to consider. Organic foods are at a premium and with your greenhouse; you can produce a quality product that you can market to your friends. Grow enough products and you can wholesale it to a small grocery store.
During the summer months vegetables and herbs are plentiful but what about the winter months when outdoor gardens are resting? With a greenhouse, you can produce all year round and ask a higher price during the colder months. The following are a few suggestions to help you sell your products:
- Farmers Market – Every community has a farmers market where locals can offer their products for sale. You will need to pay a rental fee but it will be well worth it because they usually attract hundreds of people. Farmers markets are usually open only on the weekends which allow you plenty of time during the week to work in the greenhouse. Make sure you arrive early because most customers want fresh produce.
- Flea Market – Occasionally there will be a flea market event where you can bring your potted plants and offer them for sale. There is usually a nominal fee to rent a table but the price of your plants will more than cover it. Small flowering potted plants under $10 are usually a big seller.
- Health food Stores – Organics are so popular that independent health food stores are offering produce to their customers. Visit local stores in your area and build a relationship with the purchasing manager. The more familiar you become to him, the more likely you will find an opportunity.
- Individual Client List – Make a list of all of your friends, co-workers and family members and ask them to buy your products instead of buying them at a grocery store. Because home grown products are so much more nutritious and tasty, you should be able to secure a list of potential and repeat customers.
- The Internet – It is amazing how easily you can advertize your products on the internet. Research for free websites and post an ad.